Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

A view from an Alps hike
Ever feel like you are taking two steps forward and one step back?

Well, I have lately.  There have been delays in my departure to Switzerland.  Yes, that's correct: my departure.  Ray left two weeks ago.  The details of the job became unclear and we were unsure it would even happen.  Ray's entrance visa (something you need when you intend to work in Switzerland) was about to expire. He had to enter Switzerland by July 31 or risk starting the entire process of obtaining a new entrance visa all over again. So, he had to go.  And I remained in the states, holding down the fort, waiting for word that the entire adventure was still 'on'.

Three days ago, we received the official word: the one-year commitment was received!!  Now I am readying the house, cars and doggie, Indy for our adventure.  No, Indy is not coming with us.  He will go on a doggie adventure, and live in Maryland with my sister-in-law!

A serene pathway
So, while Ray has been in Switzerland for the past 2 weeks (!), he has been working, learning where the shops and restaurants are and going on 3 and 4 hour hikes in the Alps!  Wow.  Included here are some pics he took while on some of his walks.

Wondering what will happen with my house?  My girlfriend is going to live in it!  What a gift that is.  And our cars?  We sold one and the other will be driven to NJ and rest in my brothers driveway for a year.  Now there's lots for me to do to get ready, and I am so excited!

I have to be honest though, sometimes I feel a little anxious.  Why?  Have you ever heard a voice in your head that tells you things you don't want to hear?  I do.  Right now mine is telling me that there won't be anyone there I will know.  True, except for Ray.  That I don't speak the language.  True.  That I won't know how to fill my day.  True.  That I will be lonely.  That one feels true.  Overwhelming heavy, negative thoughts that float through my head. I am learning to allow that voice to have its say and offer the reply, "Thank you for sharing."  I am determined to listen to the other voice.  The one that says, "All is well, Marybeth.  Nothing stands in the way of a joyful, uplifting, abundantly inspire-filled experience except your focus on the lack of it."

Everything, and I mean everything has worked out in miraculous ways.  Why would that stop now?  The answer is: it won't, unless I stop it with my thoughts of something less than that.

So, today I am cleaning out my kitchen in preparation for it's new occupant.  Then I pack!  ...for a year!  What on earth do you bring to Switzerland? <grin>

Until next time: Auf Wiedersehen (see!  I'm learning!)

Love and hugs,



  1. What is the name of that song...
    Such an adventure you will have. Thanks so much for taking us along.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I am so glad you came along for the ride!

  2. I bet you are gonna have fun there!
    Miss Indy!
